This Week at Rotary
Thursday, September 19, 2024
For Those Attending in Person
Lunch Buffet
(Zoom Meeting Opens at 11:45)
(Link Sent Thursday Morning)
Kitchi Gammi Club
Jim Landwehr
Rotary of Duluth #25
Medical Marvels: Jim Landwehr’s story of his recent lung transplant.
Chair of the Day: Past President and Past Assistant Governor Phil Strom
Highlights from Last Week’s Meeting
By Darlene Anderson
“Welcome to Rotary on a perfect Duluth day” was President Elizabeth Simonson's greeting as she rang the Rotary bell. She then asked all to join her in the 'Pledge of Allegiance” and the Rotary 4-Way Test. Past-President and Past Assistant Governor Al Makynen’s Reflection asked each one to think about “Why did you join Rotary?” and “Why are you still a Rotarian?” With over a million members in 46,000 Clubs and 529 District Governors (one of whom joins us today), the purpose and structure of the organization allows us to mobilize our resources to serve the needs of others in our community and world. May we each be servant leaders.
Today's guests District Governor Kay Parries and her husband Dan were introduced and given a warm Rotary welcome. They are members of the Moorhead Rotary Club and visiting the clubs in District 5580.
Club # 25 Board with District Governor Kay Parries and her husband Dan
Kicking the Golden Can were Jack Seiler who is celebrating his 73rd birthday this week and Greg Hansen who is heading south to enjoy his Rotary Auction purchase of a week at a condo in The Villages in Florida.
This past Saturday was another perfect Duluth day for the Harvest Festival at Bayfront Park. Geiger Yount thanked those who served as greeters for the festival and who also raised $4,951 for the Sustainable Farming Association. Greeters included President Elizabeth Simonson, Past President Chana Stocke, Ruth Westra, Rob Hofmann, Jack Seiler, Jerry Pelofske, Jim Schwartz, Dodie Brown and Brian Fulda. Thank you again for making this a special day for the thousands who attended.
(L to R) Jack Seiler, Rob Hofmann, President Elizabeth Simonson, Ruth Westra and Geiger Yount
District Governor-Elect Elaine Hansen introduced us to her good friend District Governor Kay Parries who has served as President of the Moorhead Rotary Club twice and been a member of the Fargo West Club. Kay served as Assistant Governor for Area Five for 6 years which she says was one of her favorite Rotary positions. Kay became familiar with Rotary when she was granted a Rotary High School Scholarship. When she was working as a manager for former retailer Herberger’s she was told to join Rotary. Today she serves as Governor of the largest Rotary district in the world.

Kay agreed that District 5580 is the largest district in the world as it spans 1100 miles from east to west with clubs in the United States and Canada. She and her husband Dan have put 6700 miles on their car already as they travel to visit the 60+ clubs -- they have visited 33 clubs so far. She is compiling a list of all the various ways clubs are serving in their areas. She is also encouraging the clubs to meet the District goal of 100 new members this year or 1.67 per club. President-Elect Zach Walters is certain that we can accomplish that.
Kay desires that all members experience the “Magic of Rotary' and asked her husband Dan to take her magic hat and stop at each table asking a member to draw a slip of paper, read the question and answer it. A sampling of the questions and answers were:
Patra Sevastiades: What do you like about your Club? Getting to know people and I feel at home when I am at club.
Jim Landwehr: Who in your community is missing from your club? Chief of police and mayor.
Greg Hansen: How can we increase membership? 1) Ask people to join, 2) Share your story about Rotary.
Jack Seiler with Dan Parries
That led right to Kay's next point: The story of Rotary is one of Fellowship, Integrity, Diversity, Service and Leadership. Together people around the world create change in their community and in themselves. “The Magic of Rotary!”
Thank you, Kay, for serving as District 5580 Governor.
Upcoming dates to remember: September 20 for Rotary Fellowship Breakfast at 7:00 am at the Kitchi Gammi Club. October 27 is the Paul Harris Dinner at The Depot. More details to come so stay tuned.
Rotarians have room at their table for YOU!
Golden Nuggets of Club 25 History
Rotary Club of Duluth – Chartered July 17, 1911
By Rachael Martin and Jerry Thoreson
Naming the Newsletter "The Gimlet"
For the first nine years, Rotary Club of Duluth’s newsletter was called “The Spokesman.” In the fall of 1920, the newsletter was renamed “The Gimlet.” Volume 1, Number 1, was dated October 28, 1920. That was the issue with the "HEY!!! YOU!!!!" article in it announcing the name Gimlet for the new newsletter.
But why the name Gimlet? The masthead of the early issues read, "The GIMLET - Bores Even Solid Ivory." We know from Webster's dictionary that a gimlet is a "small boring tool with a handle at right angles to a shaft having at the other end a spiral, pointed cutting edge."

Here are a few of The Gimlet's mastheads: the top from 1988, the middle from 2001, and the bottom as it looks today.