The Gimlet
Volume 110 #15
This week at Rotary
Thursday, October 17, 2024
For Those Attending in Person
Lunch Buffet
Kitchi Gammi Club
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Robert Hoffman, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Economics at the School of Business and Technology, CSS
Economic Growth Still Matters
Dr. Hoffman has taught courses in globalization, economic development, healthcare economics and game theory. His research interests include evolutionary psychology.
Highlights from Last Week’s Meeting
By Al Makynen
It was all hands-on deck as Rotarians gathered at the Kitchi Gammi Club.   President-Elect Zach Walters took charge as the presiding officer.  The Rotary Reflection was given by Past Assistant Governor Brandon Robinson on the value of finding balance in a complex world where extremes rarely result in an outcome beneficial to any concerned.
A person standing at a podiumDescription automatically generated
President-Elect Zach Walters
A person standing at a podium with a microphoneDescription automatically generated
Past Assistant Governor Brandon Robinson
Jerry Thoreson described for us the “Duluth Holiday Weekend Extraordinaire Giveaway” as part of the 39th Annual Rose Sale.  For every dozen roses sold, both the Rotarian and the Buyer are entered into the sweepstakes drawing.  (If you buy a dozen roses for yourself that generates two entries!) Make sure you complete the ticket stubs, so we know where to send the prize.  It works this way too for sales made through the website. Encourage your rose clients to list your name as the Rotarian making the sale. And for those without a long list of past rose sale clients, for every $25 donation you are entered into the drawing.  This can be done through the website.  There is a “DONATE” button on the site.  The goal is for each member to sell 40 dozen roses.  For members new to the sale, 10 dozen was encouraged.  Getting to these targets can be done with a combination of sales and donations!
A pink heart on a black backgroundDescription automatically generated
Past President Gary Melander reminded us of how lucky we are. We, as members and as a club, share our good fortune with the Duluth Community through the funds raised by the Rose Sale, which the Grants Committee distributes. The expectation is that members will sell at least a few dozen more roses than they did last year. This is the basis for the order being placed. He also reminded us that the proceeds provide hope, not just a dozen roses.
Allison Hanig-Landrus introduced our speaker Cecelia Livingston who is a certified life coach.  She provides both coaching in personal life and work life.  Both need to be in balance to avoid excess stress and burnout that will lead to both mental health and physical health problems. 
She shared her personal story with us about her rise within the corporate ladder of United Health Care.  She did not actively seek higher rungs on the corporate ladder.  Her personal work ethic coupled with her desire (and need) for better pay, better benefits, and better vacation resulted in her reaching a level that resulted in burnout and the need to take a five-month short term disability leave to regain her balance.  The story was to put us in a frame of mind to be alert to our associates who may be acting out the effects of excess stress.  We can be the safe place for those who need a quiet voice, a word of encouragement, or just our presence and ability to hear them. The effect of COVID, where short term solutions became long term reality and where isolation became the norm, accelerated the process toward not taking care of oneself.  Society continues to apply stigma to one having to step back to take care of their mental and physical health.  What can we do?  What steps can we take when we see a person in distress?  First, keep it simple. Perhaps a simple inquiry, or a simple statement of observed behavior.  For some a physical touch can be helpful. Pause in your own activity and observe and be prepared to hear from another.  Some little kindness, in word or deed, can go a long way.
A distinction was made between the work of a therapist. One who can help you process the past. A life coach assists through creating a plan to move forward. You need both to achieve balance.
Duluth Rotary 39th Annual Rose Sale
Friday-Saturday Oct 25-26
To get an accurate estimate of how many roses we need to order, the deadline for sales is Thursday, October 17.
1. Send emails to everyone in your contacts!
     –Download the flyer HERE. - attach it to your email
     –Be sure to include the link in your email
2. Share on Social Media! 
     –Share the Club 25 Facebook post HERE
     –Private Messaging your Facebook Friends. COPY AND PASTE THIS LINK into your private message:
3. Download and Print the Flyer HERE—print and distribute! With the Giveaway, Rose sales will soar!  
For every dozen you sell, you get one entry in the Duluth Holiday Extraordinaire Weekend Giveaway, worth over $1,000
This Week's Meeting
Thursdays at 12:00 p.m.
Kitchi Gammi Club
831 E Superior St
Duluth, MN 55802
United States of America
Kitchi Gammi Club is the new meeting venue of Duluth Rotary Club 25
Venue Map
Venue Map
Oct 17, 2024 12:00 PM
Economic Growth Still Matters
Oct 29, 2024 5:00 PM
Nov 07, 2024 12:00 PM
Ronald McDonald House Charities, Upper Midwest
Nov 14, 2024
Tour the New Second Harvest Northland Building
Nov 21, 2024 12:00 PM
Head of the Lakes United Way
Nov 27, 2024 12:00 PM
Dec 05, 2024 12:00 PM
“Twin Ports Trains: The Historic Railroads of Duluth & Superior”
Dec 12, 2024 12:00 PM
View entire list
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Dan Dock
October 4
Gary Melander
October 8
Dean Casperson
October 10
Branden Robinson
October 15
Bonita Nelson
October 16
Jerry Pelofske
October 24
Jena Evans
October 27
Jon Ohman
October 30
Join Date
Jena Evans
October 4, 2012
12 years
Renee Burns
October 6, 2005
19 years
John Magas
October 11, 2023
1 year
Patty McGaffey
October 11, 2023
1 year
Bob Bennett
October 13, 1977
47 years
David Clark
October 22, 2020
4 years
Official Publication of
Rotary Club of Duluth
207 W. Superior St.
Suite 201
Duluth Minnesota 55802
Rob Hofmann
Darlene Anderson
Rob Hofmann
Al Makynen
Traci Marciniak
Patra Sevastiades
Renee Burns
Captain Anthony Noran
Jerry Thoreson
Rotary Office Hours:
By Appointment Only
Call Elaine Hansen: