This Week at Rotary
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Lunch Buffet
Kitchi Gammi Club

Andy Thielen
Principal, Engineering Systems Inc.
What is Forensic Engineering?
Every day, a house catches fire, an accident happens on the job, or something simply breaks. When this happens, people want to know why? They want to know why to prevent it from happening again because – accidents are expensive! Those who are responsible for paying for those accidents - such as insurance companies will contact an expert and ask that expert to determine why something “broke”. Then they will then ask, “who is responsible?” Often it is a Forensic Engineer who will be called on to examine why something broke and who is responsible. With that the litigation starts!
This program gives a peak into the kind of incidents the speaker has been involved in and what Forensic Engineering is all about.
View Ted Schick’s Rotary Survey Presentation: “When Schick Hits The Plan”
Upcoming Club #25 Events:
Fellowship Breakfast
Friday February 14
Kitchi Gammi Club
Wisconsin Room
7:30 Fellowship Begins
7:45 Hot Breakfast Buffet.
No program.
Please let me know if you plan to join us:
Auction Committee
Kitchi Gammi Club
February 20
1:00 p.m.
Greg Hansen, co-chair
Rotary Gala and Auction
Kitchi Gammi Club
May 8
5:00 p.m.
Highlights from Last Week’s Meeting
By Renee Burns
A convivial group of Rotarians and guests enjoyed meeting on a bright February day and were welcomed by President Elizabeth Simonson with her usual sunny demeanor and expression of appreciation for the club.
Due to timing, we began the meeting with a check presentation by Past President Dean Casperson of $15,000 to Neighborhood Youth Services Executive Director Pez Davila. The funds will be used for mental health services and was greatly appreciated by Pez.

Past President Dean Casperson, President Elect Zach Walters and Neighborhood Youth Services Executive Director Pez Davila
Past President Al Makynen opened with a thoughtful Rotary Reflection, giving a Part II history of heavier than air flight. He noted that less than 25 years after the first Wright brothers flight in 1903 his father took flight from a grass airfield in Virginia, Minnesota in a biplane made of wood, wire and fabric. The plane was one of the many barnstormers of the day and the ride cost $5(!!), which in 1926 was quite a large sum of money. His next flight took place 50 years later by jet to Washington D.C. Progress in all things and certainly in aerospace!

Past President Al Makynen with the Rotary Reflection
Dan Maki informed members of another great volunteering opportunity at Second Harvest Northland at their NEW facility at 2302 Commonwealth Avenue in Duluth. Volunteers are needed from 1:00-3:00 p.m., please try to help if you are able.

Dan Maki announcing a volunteer opportunity at Second Harvest Northland
Jeff Fifield led the February Junior Rotarians to the podium for self-introductions. This is another accomplished group who will appreciate your taking time to speak to them about their future plans. This Gimlet reporter was amazed at their talent and drive to achieve more in their upcoming college starts! Don’t miss the opportunity to chat with them during this month.

February Junior Rotarians – accomplished one and all
Geiger Yount kicked the Golden Can by recognizing Judy Rogers (aka the Cookie Goddess) for her win of the 50/50 raffle at Rotary on January 30, to be followed by another win at the Skyline Club! Undoubtedly Judy will use the winnings to buy more staples for her cookie generosity. A round of thanks to Judy for providing the sweets at every meeting!

Geiger Yount informing us of Judy Rogers winning ways
Jerry Pelofske came forward to recognize one of our February Junior Rotarians, Kelly Joy whose volleyball team won first place (out of 200 teams!!) at a recent tournament.
Chair of the Day Past President Sandy Hoff introduced Tom Sullivan who provided the introduction for Gary Black, who jumped in and provided the program after Dante Tomassoni was unable to make it due to a last-minute work obligation. Tom is familiar to the club as our excellent auctioneer at the annual Dinner and Auction fundraiser. Gary is a Top Gun Naval pilot who has flown off seven (7) different aircraft carriers and upon retirement from the military, moved to Duluth to work at Cirrus Aircraft 28 years ago.

Tom Sullivan introducing speaker Gary Black
Gary and several other pilots joined with Tim Valentine, founder of Jeremiah 29:11, a nonprofit whose mission is dedicated to supporting victims of human trafficking. Tim offered to financially support taking 20 veterans rafting in Vernal, Utah and a project was borne. Tim, Gary and other pilots volunteered to fly the veterans to Utah as reaching it commercially is difficult. Sadly, three weeks before the trip was to start, Tim perished in a plane crash. His widow wanted the trip to continue and maintained the promised financial support.
Gary, volunteers, guides and the veterans commenced the rafting trip and discovered that survival habits do not go away. The veterans, many with life altering injuries, maintained tactical spacing on hikes and were well armed. While it took some time for fresh air to help with fresh minds, they did start to relax, share stories and enjoy the company and beauty of nature. Over the four days of the trip they worked together as a team, rode the rapids, enjoyed great food that was packed in and served and enjoyed their time. On the final day a guide suggested a swim from the shore to a rock in the middle of the river. While the current was strong, Gary and two others made it to the rock. The very surprised guides, when queried how many people can make it said they were the first. It had never been suggested that anyone do it, but they figured out of all the people they had guided down the river, if anyone was going to make it, someone from this group would!
Rotarians showed their appreciation for the informative, thoughtful and heartwarming program, done with little notice! Thanks, Sandy Hoff, for making it happen.
The 50/50 was won by Past President Jon Baumgarten and President Elizabeth Simonson rang the bell to conclude the program.

Good looking table of dignitaries
Service Above Self
Duluth, MN 55802
United States of America