Christian E. Tweed

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By Rachael E. Martin, Club #25 Historian

Christian E. Tweed, one of Club 25's charter members, served as the club's temporary secretary in setting up the club for its first meeting February 11, 1911.  His classification was Coal Retailing.

Tweed was born in Montevideo, Minn., in 1873 and lived in Duluth most of his life.  In 1911 he was 37 years old, working as the City Sales Agent for the Pittsburgh Coal Co. at 335 W. Superior St., still single and living at home with his parent at 2223 W. 3rd Street.  Tweed's parents, Even and Anna Tweed, both came to America from Norway in 1861. 

Later, Tweed married and became vice president of the Rust-Parker Grocery Co., a position he continued until his retirement in 1947.  He resided at 2003 E. 5th Street and was a member of the Kitchi Gammi Club, the Duluth Auto Club and the First Lutheran Church.

In 1955, at 82 years of age, Christian Tweed died, survived by his wife, Elsie A., and several nieces and nephews.  His funeral service was at Crawford Chapel and his internment was at Forest Hill Cemetery.  His obituary stated that Tweed was the "the last surviving charter member of the Duluth Rotary Club."